Thursday, July 30, 2009

Buckeyes and Beauties Bowling for Books!

While Miss Ohio, Erica Gelhaus, was "Turning a Page for Children's Literacy," former OSU Buckeye football players were "Tackling Illiteracy." So where's the meeting ground between the runway and the astroturf?
A bowling alley!

Next Friday, August 7th, the beauties will partner with the brawney Buckeye boys to raise money and collect books for the 2nd and 7 Foundation and Reach Out and Read. The event is from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at High Performance Lanes, 2012 Innis Road, Columbus, and includes a silent auction.

You are encouraged to become a sponser and create a team for the event. CLICK HERE for details and an entry form or HERE to RSVP individually on Facebook. All current titleholders are invited and it sounds like a great event and wonderful partnership!

Gearing Up for Miss Teen USA

Ohio's Kelsey Stevens looks amazing!

Q: What is the craziest thing you have ever done (the more detail, the better)?

A: Growing up, I always had a fear of aquatic animals. I have never been the type of person who wanted to go to Sea World and visit with Shamu, but I had the opportunity to go swimming with dolphins at the Atlantis Resort last summer. Although I was terrified at first, it turned out to be an amazing experience. I learned a valuable lesson, you can't let fear hold you back or you will miss out on the excitements of life!

Q: Do you cook and/or bake anything? If so, what are your special dishes?
A: Nestle premade chocolate chip cookies, because all you have to do is break them off and put them in the oven for 12 minutes!

Q: If you were handed 10 million dollars, what would you splurge on?
A: I would buy a beautiful Chateau in France, close enough to the city that I would be able to splurge at my favorite designer stores!

Q: If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?
A: Stacey London from TLC's What Not to Wear, because she knows all of the secrets to fashion!

Q: What is unique about you (something no other contestant can say about themselves)?
A: I got to be the baby in my family for seventeen and a half years, and it was not until this year that I became a proud big sister!

The interview is from the Teen USA website; more pictures are on Flickr. That pageant is this Friday.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Upcoming Pageants

I can not believe I completely blanked on Miss Greater Cleveland! I worked long hours on set everyday last week and though I'd skimmed the message board and knew people were talking about it, I didn't realize it was Saturday! For the next two locals, I'll be on the ball; in fact, I already have the contestant lists for both and will post them just prior to the pageants! Thanks to those who trust me with them!

This Friday, July 31 - Miss Teen USA webcast
also, Miss Puerto Rico, the final Miss America delegate

This Saturday, August 1 - Miss North Coast

Next Friday, August 7 - Miss West Central Ohio / Square Fair
*It will broadcast on NBC Lima on August 22 at 7 p.m.
and FOX Lima on August 29 at 8 p.m.

August 11 to 15 - Miss America's Outstanding Teen

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Congrats to the New Miss Greater Cleveland and New Miss Cuyahoga County

[Above left to right: Courtney Monk, Sarah Hider, Ashley Warholic, Meggie Wittman and Irene Penzvolto;
photo by Ross Clark.]

Scroll below for the complete results.

Ohio Teen Wins Teen International!

Huge congrats to Jessica Byington, Miss Ohio Teen International, who captured the Teen International title last night in Chicago. Just two years ago Ohio's Alexandra DeSantis also held this national title and Britany Belczak, also from Ohio, won it in 2004!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Miss Greater Cleveland and Cuyahoga County Results!

I was so busy this week, I did not realize Miss Greater Cleveland and Miss Cuyahoga County was tonight!

Here are the results:

Miss Greater Cleveland: Ashley Warholic
Miss Cuyahoga County: Meggie Wittman

1st RU: Sarah Hider
2nd RU: Courtney Monk
3rd RU: Irene Penzvolto

Interview: Ashley Warholic
Talent: Meggie Wittman
Swimsuit: Ashley Warholic
Evening Gown: Ashley Warholic

Rumored contestants: Alicia Huyghe, Sarah Hider, Ashley Maloney, Courtney Monk, Christina Muha, Jessica Nelson, Kristen Piasechi, Christine, Porter, Irene Penzvalto, Ashley Warholic, Sherry El Sakr, Meggie Wittmen, Brittany Baumann.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Application Deadline: Miss WCO & SF

Sorry folks, I've been working crazy long hours this week...

Applications for Miss West Central Ohio (closed) and Miss Square Fair (open) are due TODAY! The pageant is held and telecast in Lima on Friday, August 7th. In only its sixth year, it's the only Miss America prelim in the country to be televised on two major network affiliates. They have some great prizes and will also crown two Teens in a separate pageant on September 28th.

Click here for more details.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Miss Lake Festival 2009 Crowning Photos!

I was on a set for a Nike commercial literally all day and my iPhone blogger ap simply would not work; so huge thanks to my very sweet beau, Loren, who uploaded the picture in the last post. Above is another shot from that batch, taken (I believe) by a family friend.

And here are a few shots from Mark Plummell of the Daily Standard; click here to view all 286 pictures from the pageant! I'll group them by contestant and post them, if not later today, then tomorrow.

Below, it looks like Ohio's Outstanding Teen, Veronica Wende,
was on hand to crown Hannah:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Anything for Abby :)

I'm not as talented as Abby at posting, but per her request I am posting the following pictures...enjoy!

I have some great pictures from last night, but I'm on set and my technology is failing me. Loren might be able to upload them for me...

Congrats to the New Miss Lake Festival, Cayla Hellwarth

Miss Lake Festival: Cayla Hellwarth

1st RU: Sharee Werling
2nd RU: Grace Hirt
3rd RU: Kirsten Samples

Talent: Cayla Hellwarth
Private Interview: Cayla Hellwarth
Onstage Interview: Kirsten Samples
Committed to Excellence: Jennifer Kahlig
People's Choice: Kylee Christman

Miss Lake Festival's Outstanding Teen: Hannah Tumbusch

These are the results, via a voicemail from my mom who attended. She said she and my dad had the winners picked; there were no runners-up given for Teen. Try the Daily Standard for pictures.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Best of Luck to the Miss Lake Festival Program!

Tonight in Celina, Ohio, the Fieldhouse will be abuzz! Not only is it the first local pageant of the Miss Ohio season, but this program, closed to only Mercer county, will crown its first Teen, celebrate the success of its outgoing Miss and welcome its first ever Miss Ohio!

Ellen Bryan, a vocalist who attends Ball State University, made her first trip to Miss Ohio last month as Miss Lake Festival. She was awarded Fourth Runner-up, the Semifinalist Interview Award and Miss America Community Service Award. These awards are not surprising, as she was featured in USA Today and has done a PSA for the National Weather Service.

Ellen will be cohosting and entertaining along with Miss Ohio, Erica Gelhaus. Erica's first local title was also Miss Lake Festival, with which she was First Runner-up to the state crown. She captured the Miss Ohio title on her third try as Miss Clayland, but a huge faction of her support comes from her hometown of St. Henry and the Miss Lake Festival program. [The cute picture on the right was taken by Martha Campbell at one of Erica's recent appreances.]

The pageant begins at the Celina Fieldhouse at 7:30 p.m. tonight; the following eight Miss contestants and six Teens will compete.


Grace Hirt
Age: 17
Education: 09 Celina Grad; Bowling Green State University /Vocal Performance
Talent: classical vocal “Poor Wandering One”
Platform: Self esteem in young women

Kirsten Samples
Age: 17
Education: 09 Celina Grad; Xavier University / Health Care Administration and Antonelli College of Photographer
Talent: jazz vocal "Hit me with a hot note”
Platform: Pump it up! Giving Self esteem a boost

Kylee Chrstman Age: 18
Education: 09 Marion Grad; Ohio State Beauty Academy
Talent: pop vocal “The Climb”
Platform: Big Brothers Big Sisters Program

Jennifer Kahlig
Age: 18
Education: 09 Coldwater Grad; Ball State / Elementary Education
Talent: vocal and dance “You’re not alone”
Platform: Motivating Children to stay Physically active

Kristy Schaffer
Age: 18
Education: 09 Coldwater Grad; University of St. Francis / Nursing
Talent: trumpet “Go the distance”
Platform: Eating Disorders

Cayla Hellwarth
Age: 18
Education: 09 Celina Grad; Ohio State University / Business Administration
Talent: classical vocal “Gira con Me”
Platform: Help Sustain Life, the American Red Cross

Brandy Ridder
Age: 17
Education: 09 Parkway Grad; University of Northwestern Ohio / Information Technology & Digital Multimedia Design
Talent: Cheerleading dance “Hey Mickey”
Platform: Mentoring Children

Sharee Werling
Age: 18
09 Celina Grad; Bowling Green State University / Telecommunications
classical vocal "The Prayer"
Importance of Music Education in Schools


Kelsea Eblen
Age: 15
Sophomore at Celina
pop vocal “Superwoman”
Child Safety

Kirsten Fenning
Age: 16
Junior at Celina
piano “My Tribute”
Importance of the Adam Walsh Act

Hannah Tumbusch
Age: 13
Education: 8th grader at St. Henry
Talent: vocal “Cowboy Sweetheart”
Pages for Progress; increasing literacy in Ohio

Janel Vogel
Age: 15
sophomore at St. Henry
English/Italian vocal “Because we Believe”
Platform: They may forget but we remember

Emily Elizabeth Werling
Junior at St. Henry
vocal “As I am”
BCAUS – Breast Cancer Awareness Using Song

Andrea Westgerdes
Education: Junior at Coldwater
Talent: vocal “This is my now”
Platform: Hands across generations

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This Weekend's Miss State Winners

Miss Arkansas
Sarah Slocum

Education: University of Arkansas
School of Law

vocal "The Prayer"
Platform: Paving the way: Encouraging Higher Education
Pageant Past:
competed in '06, Top 10 in '07 and 3rd RU in '08
Preliminary Evening Gown

Miss Kentucky
Mallory Ervin

Education: University of Southern Tennessee / Theatre
vocal "On My Own"
Platform: Autism Awareness
Pageant Past:
Top 10 in '07 and 4th RU in '08
Preliminary Talent, Swimsuit and Heather French Henry Quality of Life Award

Miss Mississippi
Anna Tadlock

Education: Mississippi State University
vocal "A New Life"
Music as a Positive Influence on Children's Education
Pageant Past:
Top 10 in '06, 3rd RU in '07 and Top 10 in '08
Preliminary Swimsuit and Talent (tied for both)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Updated: Practice Interview Questions

With the local season gearing up, here are some fresh practice interview questions! These were asked during the On-state Question competition at Miss Mississippi this week. Click here rewatch Miss Mississippi (and Miss Ohio).

Miss Mississippi Top 10 On-stage Questions

* Do you think the mainstream media does a fair and balanced job of covering political and pop culture issues and why?
* Why do you think people have such a fascination with reality TV and do you think it’s real, as it’s presented?
* “Jon & Kate Plus 8” has saturated the media; if their show continues, what will be the positive or negative effects on their children, in you view?
* If you were a celebrity, how would you choose to protect or expose your child, if you had one?
* If someone were considering a move to Mississippi, what would you do to encourage them to choose your state?
* If you were crowned Miss Mississippi tonight, how would you make your title relevant to youth today?
* What do you think the recent extreme media coverage given to the death of Michael Jackson says about our society and pop culture?
* Will Michael Jackson be remembered for his extraordinary talent or tremendous controversy?
* What experience have you lived through that’s made the biggest impact on your life and why?
* If you were given the opportunity to create a new TV show, what would be the premise of that show?

Miss Mississippi 2009 Preliminary On-stage Questions

* Should a woman consider being referred to as a “cougar” complimentary or derogatory?
* What are you personally doing about global warming?
* Finding employment in today’s slim market may be difficult; how will you convince a company to hire you?
* Do you agree or disagree with the way (former) Governor Sarah Palin responded to comments David Letterman made about her daughter?
* Does your generation consider the prevalent violence in society to be a major concern or just the statue quo?
* Do you think the recent shooting and murder at the Holocaust museum in DC indicates a rise in hate crimes?
* Do you have specific advice for a woman seeking to be president of the United States?
* Should there be a penalty against the doctor who implanted eight fetuses in a woman on welfare (Octomom)?
* What are your thoughts on the Susan Boyle phenomenon?
* If the government were to force medical treatment for your child, against your wishes, what would you do?
* In today’s unisex military, should both parents be sent to a combat zone? If no, which should be sent, the mom or dad?
* What are the dangers and advantages of Facebook?
* In order to obtain your dream job, would you agree to skydive with an 85 year old former president?
* In your opinion, should Carrie Prejean have been stripped of her title of Miss California USA?
* Considering the Carrie Prejean incident, do you think being a pageant titleholder means you have to surrender your right to freedom of speech?
* Do you consider bullying to be prevalent among today’s youth; what can be done to combat it?
* Some people have lost their jobs after posting negative comments about their boss on Facebook, blogs, etc.. What’s your opinion of this?
* If you’ve been seeking employment for six months and were finally offered a job you detested, would you take it anyway?
* What do you consider to be the underlying cause of the rise of suicide and depression in today’s youth?
* Do you think airport body scanning is an invasion of privacy right?
* President Obama wants to add $12 million dollars to community colleges; is this a wise choice in our current economy?
* What are your thoughts on granting amnesty to illegal immigrants?
* You’ve just been elected Governor, what is the first priority on you agenda?
* Why do you think politicians are in such a hurry to overhaul our health care system?
* Why is teenage pregnancy rising and what should we do about it?
* What should be the rule for using cell phones while driving?
* Current trends show increasing female enrollment and decreasing enrollment of males in college; why do you think this is?
* If you could trade places with any political figure or celebrity, who would it be?
* Do you think doctors who prescribe medication to celebrities (such as Michael Jackson) should be held criminally responsible?
* What must the Republican Party do to become a force in the next presidential election?
* Do you consider it fair for overweigh airline passengers to have to purchase two seats?
* Who’s the most influential woman in the US?
* Senator, Barbra Boxer, of California, publicly admonished an army general for calling her Ma’am instead of Senator; what would you do in that situation?
* President Obama recently said “we do not consider ourselves to be a Christian country;” what are your thoughts?
* What affect will the US’ 23 trillion dollar deficit have on your generation?
* Should the United States be the world’s universal policemen or mind our own business?
* Do you agree or disagree on the United States’ stance on Iran?
* Is it fair for airlines to charge additional fees for extra baggage and seating, etc..
* Which is more important in today’s job market, beauty or intellect?
* What should the American auto industry do to compete with for foreign manufacturers?
* Defend or criticize Obama’s actions in Iran.
* Do you think our court judges should be elected or appointed?
* Has our government gone too far in bailing out the banks, auto industry and other corporations?
* Other than a biblical personality, what person would you go back in time to meet and what would you talk about?
* Is Hilary Clinton better suited as Secretary of State or Vice President?

I found many of the preliminary questions to be worded in a very one-sided way and I was disappointed that many contestants merely agreed with that point of view and didn't seem to listen to what was really asked or think for themselves. Nonetheless, these are great practice questions for any contestant, as your judging panel includes a range of people with varying political, religious and life views. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome to the Blogosphere...


Erica's Endeavors: Miss Ohio Gives Blood for the First Time

Miss Ohio Gives Blood for the First Time

Miss Ohio 2009 Erica Gelhaus gave blood for the first time today at the Richland County Chapter of the American Red Cross Blood Drive.

Erica has always wanted to give blood and is using her Miss Ohio status to draw attention for the need for people to give the gift of life.

Executive Director Bob Maxey says 12,335 units of blood are needed out of Richland County this year. He says he's hopeful they will reach their goal.

Follow the link in the title for a video that won't load for me.

More about MMV/AAC/FT

Again, the Miss Maumee Valley, All*America City and Fallen Timbers program wants to showcase the talents of a handful of former local or state titleholders. There was some confusion about who was eligable, but Eric clarified to me that the specific year doesn't matter, as long as you are officially "aged out."

Also, contestants should note that Wageners assign contestant numbers in the reverse order of packets received. Their application period is September 1st to October 19th. So if you like to be contestant numbero ono, go ahead and wait till the 18th of October, but my guess is most of you will be eager to hand deliver it to Whitehouse on the first of September!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A random note...

I was just browsing the national message board and noticed the Miss Arkansas contestant headshots, among others, and for the millionth time thought:

Dear contestants, if you hope to use your headshots in future careers such as acting, musical theatre and broadcast journalism, which 90% of you do, then you might want to remove your big a$$ earrings and dial the airbrushing and crazy shirts way down. Yours truly, an actress in Hollywood who can't use any of her former pageant pictures.

I'm not saying they're not great photos for pageants, but simply noting that the idea of future use for most of them is quite frankly laughable. If I had it to do over again, I'd remove the jewelry for at least a few of the shots and request that the photog not give them the typical pageant touch ups. Sometimes the composition of the picture still screams pageant, but adjusting those few things will likely get you a bit more mileage.

Miss Portsmouth and Scioto Valley

The date has been set for Miss Portsmouth, Miss Scioto Valley and Teen titles! Executive Director, Greg Davis, will hold his program on Saturday, October 3rd at 7:30 p.m. in the beautiful Vern Riffe Center for the Arts on the campus of Shawnee State University, Portsmouth. The application deadline is Sunday September 20th. Contact Greg at or 740-981-2948.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

IS Miss USA Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

We're going to find out...

Back in January of 2008 Miss America, Lauren Nelson, appeared on the show and won $175,000. Click here for more.

This Weekend's Miss State Winners

A weekend of white and gold...

Amanda Kelly

Brandeis University/ Business, Italian, and Hispanic studies
Talent: Vocal "Somewhere that's green"
Wishes and Miracles: Fundraising for Child Cancer Research
Pageant Past: 1st RU in 2008
Preliminary Swimsuit

Miss Washington
Devanni Partridge

Green River Community College
Talent: Piano
Platform: Donate Life: The Importance of Organ and Tissue Donation
Pageant Past: competed in 2007
Preliminary Talent, Swimsuit and Evening Gown

Miss Florida
Rachel Todd

Education: University of Central Florida / Communications
Talent: Irish Step Dance "Rhythm of Ireland"
Platform: The Changing Face of Homelessness
Pageant Past: First attempt at state
Awards: Preliminary Swimsuit

Miss Oregon
CC Barber

Dance "Happy Ending"
Friends of the Children – Revolutionary Mentoring for High-Risk Youth
Pageant Past:
1st RU in '05 OR '06 *info is conflicting
multiple spirit awards

Miss District of Columbia
Jennifer Corey

Education: American University
Talent: Opera "O mio babbino caro"
Platform: Let's Talk Trash
Pageant Past: 2nd RU in '07 & 1st RU in '08
Awards: Talent, Swimsuit and Evening Gown

I apologize, I had originally thought Arkansas, Kentucky and Mississippi were also this weekend, but they are this coming week; then with Puerto Rico on the 31st, I believe all the Miss America contestants will be selected! As always, I got these photos and information from a wide variety of online sources; please leave additions and corrections as comments. Thank you.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Congrats to Sophia Davis!

3rd Runner-up, Interview Award and Miss Congeniality
at Miss District of Columbia

Miss Maumee Valley, All*America City & Fallen Timbers

As you may have read elsewhere, this triple crown local will be held Saturday, October 31, with a " Spooktacular" theme. $100 will be given to the contestant with the best costume. Only twelve Miss contestants are needed this year to give three crowns; Teen titles will also be awarded. The application deadline is Monday October 19th!

Executive Directors, Eric and Linda Wagener would also like to showcase the talents of former Miss Ohio contestants during their production! They are looking for ten women who won or competed from 1999 to 2005. The pageant is held in Maumee (near Toledo) and Wagener's contact information can be found on the Miss Ohio website.

Become a Fan!

Two former Miss Ohio contestants have public figure profiles on Facebook; registered users can become fans:
Sophia Davis
Jennie Keller Skinner

I'm also working on a website, but for now, follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Best of Luck to Sophia Davis this weekend in Miss DC

Sophia competed in Ohio as Miss Hamilton, Miss Miami Valley and Miss Mansfield, placing in the Top 10 her second year. She now works on Capitol Hill and will compete in Miss District of Columbia this weekend. Click on the image above to enlarge it, click here for her website and here from her blog. It all looks amazing; good luck, Sophia!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Erica's Endeavors: More from Christine Walsh-Newton

The Executive Director of the Miss Clayland pageant is Martha Campbell. Martha is an OSU alumnus and avid fan. Anyone associated with Martha knows her trait of having folks pose in the O-H-I-O formation and having their photos taken. Miss Ohio 2009, Erica Gelhaus is no exception. Here you go, Martha!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

This Weekend's Miss State Winners & Stats to Date

Miss Texas
Kristen Blair

Education: University of North Texas / Vocal Performance & Elementary Ed
Talent: Classical Vocal "Nessun Dorma"
Platform: Extra Curricular Advantage
Pageant Past: Top 10 in WA in '06, Top 15 in TX in '07 and 4th RU in TX in '08
Awards: Preliminary Talent

Miss South Carolina
Kelly Sloan

Education: Coastal Carolina University / Education
Talent: Vocal “For Once in My Life"
Platform: P.L.A.Y. Promote Learning for At-Risk Youth
Pageant Past: competed in '05, '07 and '08

Only nine more Miss America contestants have yet to be selected! Next weekend these states will be crowned: Oregon, Florida, Washington, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Arkansas, Mississippi and Kentucky.
Finally, Miss Puerto Rico will take place July 31.

Miss America 2010 Contestants’ Stats to Date:

Brunette -

Blond - OK, WY, TN, MI, UT, OH, MD, NC, GA, CO, CT, RI

Sandy/Dishwater/?? – NE, NJ

Red - NV

Vocal -NM, AK, DE, MN, SD, NJ, TN, OH, ME, MT, WV, IN, VA, MD, RI, TX, SC

Dance - AL, MO, NE, OK, WY, ND, MI, IL, WI, VT, NY, PA, CA, NC, NV, CO, HI

Vocal & Tap – CT
Vocal & Piano - NH

Baton – AZ

Piano – LA, UT, VI

Other Instruments - KS (trumpet), ID (viola), IA (violin),
GA (oboe)

1X –WY, MN, SD, MI, IL, ME, MT

2X - KS, ID, UT, MD, NY, CA, GA, CT, HI

3X - AL, MO, OK, DE, IA, TN, OH, NC, NV

4X - NM, NH, NJ, LA, WI, WV, IN, VA, TX, SC
5X – NE, ND, PA

???? - AK, VI, AZ, VT, CO, RI

Click below for more on the women already picked
to compete in Vegas in January:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Miss Ohio, Erica Gelhaus, will be at the Coshocton Fairgrounds from 4 to 8 p.m., and according to Facebook, she was at Columbus' Red, White and Boom yesterday.

Miss America, Katie Stam, will serve as Grand Marshal of Huntington Beach Centennial Parade and Celebration and then ride in the Pacific Palisades Fourth of July Parade.

Will I attend since I'm in SoCal? Goodness no, are you insane? I hate parades and have you heard of our traffic on a normal day, let alone a holiday and celebrity funeral weekend!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Erica's Endeavors: First Photoshot!

Here's the first photo released from Erica's photoshot with Christine Walsh-Newton; she's wearing OSU defensive lineman, Jimmy Cordle's jersey, in conjunction with some sort of fundraiser.

Be sure to visit Allie's Blog for photos from other appearances including the State House, the Special Olympics and Miejer.

Also, thanks to everyone who left suggestions for Erica's tagline for the year. I got several good ones, but credit for my favorite, Erica's Endeavors, goes to Heather Wells.

Who doesn't want to watch Miss Texas?

I mean, it's Miss Texas! Don't they come out of the womb with a tiara on their head down there? During the announcement of the Top Whatever of any national pageant I watch with my dad, he keeps saying "where's Miss Texas, where's Miss Texas?" until, almost inevitably, she is called.

Click here to watch their webcast.
It begins at 6 p.m. Central time tonight.

I won't be able to watch it live, but I'm anxious to hear how former Miss America's Outstanding Teen, Meghan Miller, does her first year in the Miss division.

Also, two of their three preliminary swimsuit winners got quite a bit of flack, one for being far to skinny and the other for being too skinny and muscular. I can understand if your opinion is that too many muscles is not feminine enough for a pageant, but I think this woman deserves credit for her amazing fitness! I don't think her arms or legs are body-builder-scary and she's obviously not too skinny or unhealthy; she has to be very health conscience to have those abs! Anyway, here are the Texas prelim winners; in any state I always think it's interesting to see who makes the Top 10 when there are no double prelim winners; it's a pageant pet peeve of mine when people assume all the single prelim winner will automatically make it. Not usually!

[Above left to right: Ashley Melnick, Kathryn Dunn, County Kira Morris, Faith Bates, Adrianna Nelson and Kristen Blair.]

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pageant Poll: Miss Ohio 2009 Gowns: Fav of the Favs

The following women and their gowns received the top votes among their flights during the Miss Ohio preliminaries, but which do you love best overall? (The photos below are in the same order as the poll, going left to right; visit the Miss Mansfield website to view larger images.)

Very Honorable Mention: Emily Pheils and Alyssa Hanson!