[Below left, Martin sings "I Feel Pretty;"
below right McCullough dances a ballet en pointe.]

Last year Loren and I got my parents a pair of lovebirds. Click here for last year's post. [Above: Lucy (blue) and Ricky (green)]. The family’s last pair laid eggs that never hatched, and sadly the female died from an egg that got stuck. So, like a teenager having unprotected sex who thinks, “it can’t happen to me,” my dad once again put a nesting box on the cage and we were all shocked when eggs started hatching around Thanksgiving! Three of five eggs hatched and the first and third hatchers survived. [Left: a little over a week old.] We’re told these are actually really impressive stats. Throughout the incubation process my parents joked that my brothers and I were each getting a chick for Christmas; my oldest brother said he’d take his hard boiled!
Even after the hatching began, my parents were skeptical the chicks would survive. [Right: about two and a half weeks.] They’ve always been amazing parents to me, but these poor birds are getting the short end of the planning stick! Now they have two healthy lovebird chicks and no idea what to do with them, as none of the human children want a bird!
So, if you or anyone you know wants one, let me know… or if not, just enjoy the photos; click to enlarge.
[Above: at a little over a month old, the oldest chick has began contemplating taking his first step out of the nesting box. I took these two days ago, so I'm sure by now it's out and about!]
[The above image features Jason Alexander, aka George, and is from a random website. It will be funny to fans of Seinfeld, like me!]
As expected, this morning Donald Trump, owner of the Miss USA/Universe organization, announced the fate of Miss USA, Tara Conner. Conner has been at the middle of media scrutiny for her conduct at New York City bars. Media spin and anonymous fan message boards all speculated that her crown would be taken from her and perhaps Miss Teen USA, Katie Blair, would endure the same fate.
However, this morning Trump said he believes in giving people second chances. Much like the character I performed as for my Miss Ohio talent, Roxie Hart from the musical Chicago, Conner said she got caught up in the whirlwind of big city life, but does not think she is an alcoholic. Still, Trump said she will go into rehab. Click below for news articles:
I really didn’t want to leave the Miss USA scandal post at the top all weekend, but I’ve had a very busy few days with no time to blog… For the latest on this, click here.
Thursday night I had a Face of FOX appearance; FOX Toledo, a local radio station and Kia dealership gave away a $3500 prize package to the BCS OSU/Florida Championship game. I had to draw all the numbers in the reverse raffle, thus making me the most hated woman in the room… until the winner announces, “I’m a Michigan fan… hahaha!”
Friday I had a singing engagement at the Lima Civic Center, Saturday I had a pageantesq appearance at McDonald’s in St. Mary’s, another singing gig later that night in Celina and finally another appearance this afternoon at the St. Mary’s VFW.
What were these pageantesq appearances, you ask? Well, if you recall, a few months back I talked about competing in a televised contest called The Great American Dream Queen. I won! The finals took place a month ago, but because they didn't air until tonight, I couldn’t talk about it. Those in the Lima area can tune in to WLIO TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT to watch me get crowned. Click here for more about the show.
And… the biggest news… Loren and I got a new puppy! His name is Hanz Anderbacher and he’s a seven week old blue Great Dane. (That means he's grey.) Loren’s adult Dane, Niki, is thoroughly annoyed by the puppy, while my cat, Fuzzy, is relatively indifferent. My parents loved puppy-sitting while I was at my appearances this weekend.
Pictures of everything coming soon… for now I have to get to bed, as I’m in the TV studio filming double tomorrow morning!
Today, Bristol-Myers Squibb, the pharmaceutical monolith that charges nearly $1,000 for a 30 day supply of one of its HIV/AIDS medications, is donating $1 to the National AIDS Fund for each person who simply visits their website and "virtually lights a candle." The tally is near 1, 020,000 now. Please, please take a minute to "light a candle":
Name: Nanciann Strosnider
Title: Miss Lake Erie
Date Crowned: November 11
Talent: Broadway Vocal
Platform: Arts Education
Education: Nanciann studies Musical Theatre and Broadcast Journalism at Elon. University.
Experience: Nanciann also won the Talent award; this will be her third trip to Miss Ohio, her first year she was in the Top 5 and last year the Top 10.
Name: Becky Minger
Title: Miss Northwestern Ohio
Date Crowned: November 11
Talent: Vocal
Platform: “It’s Not Your Booty, It’s Your Inner Beauty” Building Self Esteem in Youth
Education: Becky is a Journalism and Music major at Bowling Green State University.
Experience: Becky also won the Talent award; this is her second MAO crown, last year she was the First Runner-up.
Links: a blog about BeckyName: Christie Youssef
Title: Miss Portsmouth
Date Crowned: November 18
Talent: Harpist
Platform: Domestic Violence Awareness
Education: Christie is a graduate of Westmont College where she studied Chemistry and Biology.
Experience: Christie competed three times in Miss California where she was Fourth Runner-up her first year; this will be her first time at Miss Ohio.
Links: Miss Portsmouth & Scioto Valley websiteName: Karissa Martin
Title: Miss Scioto Valley
Date Crowned: November 18
Talent: Classic Broadway Vocal
Platform: Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention
Education: Karissa studies Music and Theatre at West Liberty.
Experience: This will be Karissa’s first trip to Miss Ohio.
Links: Miss Portsmouth & Scioto Valley website
In-depth Halftime Stats:
*Of the 14 titleholders thus far, 9 are vocalist, 4 are dancers and 1 is a harpist.
*8 titleholders will be going to Miss Ohio for the first time and 6 are “returnees.”
*All of last years eligible Top 5 have returned, but only 1 of the eligible 4 remaining Top 10 is back.
*At this point 8 titles are up for grabs this spring.
Email me or leave a comment with information corrections or additions. Photos came from a variety of sources.