So… here are the "players" stats at the half:

Title: Miss Lake Festival
Date Crowned: July 24
Talent: Opera
Platform: Literacy
Education: Erica is a Music student at Otterbein College.
Experience: Erica also won the Talent and Interview awards; this will be her first trip to Miss Ohio.
Links: Celina Lake Festival website

Title: Miss Greater Cleveland
Date Crowned: July 29
Talent: Broadway vocal
Platform: “Think Ability” Reaching Out to Individuals with Mental & Physical Disabilities
Education: Elyse is a Political Science major at Youngstown State University.
Experience: Elyse also won the Talent, Swimsuit and Evening Gown awards; this will be her second trip to Miss Ohio, last year she was the Third Runner-up.
Links: Elyse's website, Elyse's blog, Miss Greater Cleveland website

Title: Miss West Central Ohio
Date Crowned: July 29
Talent: Broadway vocal
Platform: Organ Donation
Education: Jessica studies MicroBiology at Miami University.
Experience: Jessica also won the Talent award; she was First Runner-up at this pageant last year and will be making her first trip to Miss Ohio.
Links: Miss West Central Ohio website

Title: Miss Ohio Valley
Date Crowned: July 29
Talent: Jazz Dance
Platform: "Start to Finish" Improving Lives in Our Nation, Young and Old.
Education: Allison studies Elementary and Special Education at Bethany College.
Experience: This is Allison’s first MAO title.

Title: Miss North Coast
Date Crowned: August 5
Talent: Vocal
Platform: Youth Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention
Education: Andrea is an English and Education student at Kent State University.
Experience: This is Andrea’s first MAO title.

Title: Miss Miami Valley
Date Crowned: September 2
Talent: Jazz Dance
Platform: Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Program
Education: Sophia is studying Communications at Miami University.
Experience: Sophia also won the Interview, Talent and Swimsuit awards; she will be going to Miss Ohio for a second time.
Links: Sophia's website

Title: Miss Clayland
Date Crowned: October 14
Talent: Jazz Dance
Platform: Serving Children with Disabilities
Education: Allie studies Exercise Science at the University of Toledo.
Experience: Allie also won the Community Service award; this will be her third trip to Miss Ohio, last year she was Second Runner-up.
Links: Allie's blog

Title: Miss Mansfield
Date Crowned: October 28
Talent: Vocal
Platform: Heart Start Education
Education: Emily studies Art Therapy, Business and Computer Systems at Lourdes College.
Experience: Emily also won the Interview award; she has past pageant experience, but this will be her first trip to Miss Ohio.
Links: Miss Mansfield website

Title: Miss Maumee Valley
Date Crowned: November 4
Talent: Jazz Dance
Platform: Preventing Heart Disease in Women
Education: Kristen is a Dance Performance major at Bowling Green State University.
Experience: Kristen also won the Interview award; this will be her second trip to Miss Ohio.
Links: Miss Maumee Valley website

Title: Miss All American City
Date Crowned: November 4
Platform: “Risky Business” Preventing High Risk Behavior in Today’s Youth
Education: Lauren studies Communications at Bowling Green State University.
Experience: This will be Lauren’s first trip to Miss Ohio.
Name: Nanciann Strosnider
Title: Miss Lake Erie
Date Crowned: November 11
Talent: Broadway Vocal
Platform: Arts Education
Education: Nanciann studies Musical Theatre and Broadcast Journalism at Elon. University.
Experience: Nanciann also won the Talent award; this will be her third trip to Miss Ohio, her first year she was in the Top 5 and last year the Top 10.
Name: Becky Minger
Title: Miss Northwestern Ohio
Date Crowned: November 11
Talent: Vocal
Platform: “It’s Not Your Booty, It’s Your Inner Beauty” Building Self Esteem in Youth
Education: Becky is a Journalism and Music major at Bowling Green State University.
Experience: Becky also won the Talent award; this is her second MAO crown, last year she was the First Runner-up.
Links: a blog about BeckyName: Christie Youssef
Title: Miss Portsmouth
Date Crowned: November 18
Talent: Harpist
Platform: Domestic Violence Awareness
Education: Christie is a graduate of Westmont College where she studied Chemistry and Biology.
Experience: Christie competed three times in Miss California where she was Fourth Runner-up her first year; this will be her first time at Miss Ohio.
Links: Miss Portsmouth & Scioto Valley websiteName: Karissa Martin
Title: Miss Scioto Valley
Date Crowned: November 18
Talent: Classic Broadway Vocal
Platform: Skin Cancer Awareness and Prevention
Education: Karissa studies Music and Theatre at West Liberty.
Experience: This will be Karissa’s first trip to Miss Ohio.
Links: Miss Portsmouth & Scioto Valley website
In-depth Halftime Stats:
*Of the 14 titleholders thus far, 9 are vocalist, 4 are dancers and 1 is a harpist.
*8 titleholders will be going to Miss Ohio for the first time and 6 are “returnees.”
*All of last years eligible Top 5 have returned, but only 1 of the eligible 4 remaining Top 10 is back.
*At this point 8 titles are up for grabs this spring.
Email me or leave a comment with information corrections or additions. Photos came from a variety of sources.