Miss America is... Miss Oklahoma, Lauren Nelson

Oklahomoa goes back-to-back!
1st Runner-up: Miss Texas, Shilah Phillips2nd Runner-up: Miss Georgia, Amanda Kozak
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First, Jennifer Berry looked beautiful in her final walk.
Now, allow me to be extremely blunt about the onstage interviews.
Miss Georgia was extremely witty and likable, while she stumbled through the serious part of the question “what’s the first thing you’d do as President” I think she did the best and is now my pick for Miss America!
Miss Oklahoma was asked what she would do to earn women the same salary as men. While her answer was confident and concise, it was too short and kind of “pageant fluffy” if you know what I mean.
Miss Texas was asked how she continues to have confidence in America. She talked about her own triumph over adversity, which I’m getting tired of hearing from her, and I think Chris Matthews was going for a more political tone.
Top Three
Miss Georgia, Amanda Kozak
Miss Oklahoma, Lauren Nelson
Miss Texas, Shilah Phillips
3rd Runner-up: Miss Mississippi, Tyran Forshee
4th Runner-up: Miss Alabama, Melinda Toole
Note, last year, the Top Two were Georgia and Oklahoma!
Talent Analysis
I felt Miss Oklahoma (vocal- "You'll be in my heart) and Miss Mississippi (piano) had the best talents. Miss Texas (vocal- "I believe in you and I) was good, but I don’t understand why she won her preliminary flight. Miss Georgia (tap- "Baby, you're a star") was entertaining, and was that a Prince song! Love that, but she didn’t seem very technical. Finally, in going last, Miss Alabama (vocal- "Time to say goodbye") must have allowed the nerves to get to her, because her voice seemed very shaky and not suited for the operatic piece she performed.
Taking the Interview snippets shown before each talent into consideration, my Top Three prediction is Miss Mississippi (winner), Miss Oklahoma (1st RU) and Miss Georgia (2nd RU).
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Next, the Top Five will perform their talents. Miss Texas is the only preliminary talent winner still competing; however, I predict that Miss Mississippi will be our winner. I have not been a "Tyran fan" thus far, but of the Top Ten she has impressed me the most. I can't help but feel the ladies seemed extremely nervous during Swimsuit and Evening Wear, and lacked personality. Also, I'm going to admit how annoying it is that only our country's south is represented in the Top Five. Not that she should be selected based on locale, it's still frustrating! :(
Top Five
Miss Texas, Shilah Philips
Miss Georgia, Amanda Kozak
Miss Oklahoma, Lauren Nelson
Miss Mississippi, Taryn Foshee
Miss Alabama, Melinda Toole
Miss Congeniality
During the filming of "Pageant School" the contestants selected Miss Alabama, Miss South Carolina and Miss South Dakota, the viewers then voted and Miss Alabama, Melinda Toole has been named "Miss Congeniality."
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With the Evening Gown competition complete, I remain underwhelmed.
My prediction for the Top Five is Mississippi, Texas, Hawaii and Alabama (yes I realize that’s only four). I will fall off the couch if Utah or Washington make it, and remain confused how they even made the Top Ten.
Top TenMiss Georgia Miss Pennsylvania
Miss Mississippi
Miss Oklahoma
Miss Texas
Miss Alabama
Miss Utah
Miss Hawaii
Miss CaliforniaI am hugely disappointed, not only because Melanie was not selected, but overall the Top Ten and their Swimsuit presentations were underwhelming, to me.