Monday, June 30, 2008
The CORRECT Miss West Central Ohio Information
The pageant will be July 19th.
The winner will go to Miss Ohio.
The applications are due TOMORROW.
The eligible counties are: Auglaize, Allen, Van Wert, Defiance, Hardin, Darke, Putnam, Paulding, Wood, Hancock and Henry.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Miss West Central Ohio Update: It's Official
These counties are listed on the Miss Ohio website as eligable: Allen, Auglaize, Darke, Hardin, Putnum, Shelby and Van Wert. I have emailed the E.D. to triple check that these counties are corrects, as there are both expected and unexpected omissions.
Applications are due this Tuesday, July 1st.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
A Few Words from the Contestant Bloggers...
Becky Minger writes, "...It was an honor to be in the final two with her! [Karissa Martin] Thank you to all of you who have supported me thus-far and I will keep you all posted on my next endeavors! I plan on competing in the National Sweetheart Pageant... I also plan on continuing my journey to Miss Ohio and Miss America and have already begun planning and preparing for next year...there is no use in wasting a week resting! Keep Karissa in your thoughts as she has a full and exciting year ahead of her as she continues on to Miss America 2009!!!"
Jillian Dansko writes, "It was a bittersweet moment for me as I was thrilled to compete in the finals live on ONN. However, I had to hold back the emotion as I realized it would be my last time competing for the title of Miss America. "Aging out" is a bigger milestone for me since I started competing when I was 17 and it became a cornerstone in my life..."
Heather Wells writes, "I thought that once I got home from Miss Ohio I would have time to relax and unpack....that was not the case whatsoever!... I couldn't believe that we had two double prelim winners, how neat!! On the third prelim night my roommate Jenna Wilson won preliminary talent..."
I feel strongly that everyone should read Megan Wombacker's entire post-pageant post; she eloquently articulates the very difficult whirl-wind of emotions that finals night dumps on contestants, as well as squashing some of the message board rumors: "...All I can say is that it was everything I ever imagined that it would be...only more memorable and amazing than I thought was possible. It was such a pleasure to get to know all of the contestants...and contrary to popular belief...everyone was extremely kind... On Saturday when we stood on stage...before they ever announced the top ten...the audience brought me to tears. It was such an overwhelming experience and I had yet to let my emotions get to me.
...As they started to announce the semi-finalist I knew I hadn't made the cut...I'm not sure why...but I just had that feeling. I could not be happier for those who had made it (even if it didn't appear that way on my face-it's hard to smile when you are pushing back the tears of self-disappointment).
...I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad about the results and not placing....I wasn't mad...just sad, and once again overwhelmed. It had been a long journey of preparation and it all came to an end very fast. I started to realize all the people who loved me the most paid a lot of money to come and watch me perform...and they weren't going to have that opportunity. It's amazing how many thoughts can cross your mind in such a short period of time. You start to think about what you did wrong...what you should have changed...was it worth it. I was content with not making the top ten...but then they announced eleven and twelve...and that just brought a lot of confusion onto the only those who have stood on the stage and have walked in a contestants stilettos would understand. I think we all would have liked to think that we were that "#11" girl. Yes, it sucks not making the top ten (or twelve) but that's not what this is about. Maybe it took a couple of days for me to think about things...but I learned a lot about myself in those few days. And yes, it was worth it.
...My ROOMMATE earned the title of Miss Ohio 2008...and I could not be more happy and thrilled for her. She will be a wonderful representative of the state. It's so funny how many rumors get started after Miss can only laugh. I refuse to write on the voy board...never have and never will...but I can't help but notice confusion that is never cleared up. No one was ever threatened to be kicked out of competing for CMN dues, we were never told locals were dropping out-but only that there would be 4-6 new locals this year, Karissa had always intended and will be moving into Primrose, and the whole "aging out" and "never competing again" thing cracks me up-because the only source is the source itself.
FYI to Pageant World on being Engaged- First, being engaged does NOT mean that a contestant does not want to be Miss Ohio. I can only speak for myself, but, I have the most loving and supportive fiance in the world. When Craig proposed, he 100% supported (and still does) my dream to become Miss Ohio.
...I still haven't made up my mind on whether or not I am competing again next year...many girls say many things in a time of emotional distress...but after the cloud roles over, you see the sunshine once again.
...I will never forget this experience and my journey to Miss Ohio 2008...the inside jokes...friends I have tears...they will all remain in my memory forever..."
I have to reiterate so many of Megan's sentiments.
I know all too well that feeling - when you're standing on the Miss Ohio stage hearing the semifinalists names being called and somehow just knowing you won't hear yours. Even though you have that gut feeling, what follows is a flash flood of emotions that you have been holding in! The stress and expense of months of preparation suddenly feels like it was all for nothing and you begin to question everything! I too would feel tremendous guilt about the $35 ticket, plus other travel and lodging, my family and friends had paid on Saturday night to watch me do a lousy production number that I hated, with mascara running down my cheeks! While part of being a pageant woman is keeping that smile plastered on your face, fans need to realize that sometimes it's just not possible, but that does not mean you are not happy for the women who did advance.
Every year after the state pageant we hear "so and so said she's not coming back, bla, bla, bla..." That is one of my biggest pageant pet peeves! Contestants, their parents, E.D.s and fans should not say it and the rumor mill should not perpetuate it! The moments and even days and weeks after a pageant are filled with high emotions - sadness, confusion and anger... A few months down the road when either the tuition bill comes due or the hope comes back, your tune may change. Nothing loses you respect and makes you sound more uncommitted and like a diva than having said "I'm not coming back!"
As for the rumors - I try not to touch on them here on my blog until I hear something from someone I trust. Supposedly Board President Steven Oliveri announced to the E.D.s that some contestants were banned from competing next season because they had not paid their CMN donations for this year. I emailed a local E.D. to ask if it was true and haven't heard back, but according to Megan, it is not.
Vote for Melissa!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Congrats to the newly engaged!
The Best Photos Always Come from the Contestants!
A few notes:
* If you didn't want it made public, you shouldn't have put it on Facebook. Google Amy Palumbo and get a clue! :)
* Do not judge anyone in the background who did not know they were being photographed.
* Click "view all images" to view them individually.
* If their makeup looks too heavy, it's probably because it was done for the stage and not a close up picture.
*** Most importantly - Do not judge these women for showing their personalities! I have had a horrible week and so help me Bill Gates, I will go blogger-ballistic if I read anything anywhere about them "not acting mature," "being poor representatives," etc... These are CANDIDS! They're meant to be fun and as I've said before, pageant contestants are not robots or Barbie dolls. I think the best photos in the bunch are the ones with funny faces, crossed eyes and tongues sticking out!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pageant Press Release
Miss Portsmouth and
Scholarship Program
Last week June 15 thru June 21 was Miss Ohio Week in
Miss Southern Ohio Outstanding Teen, Stephanie Sparks, 17 yr old senior from
Miss Portsmouth's Outstanding Teen, Kara Beth Wagner a 15 yr old sophomore at
Miss Portsmouth, Katie Camp, named one of the Top 10 Semi-Finalist during the live broadcast on ONN. Katie was awarded a $400.00 scholarship as a semi-finalist and also made the Miss Portsmouth Scholarship Program a $250.00 Grass Roots Scholarship from the Ohio Elks Association for being in the top 10.
Lastly, Miss Portsmouth and Miss Scioto Valley Executive Director, Greg Davis, was awarded two honors last week. First, he was presented with his 20-year service pin from the Miss American Organization and secondly was given the
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
And it all starts over...
This is a closed pageant; eligible contestants must live, work and/or attend school in the following counties: Allen, Auglaize, Defiance, Henry, Hardin, Logan, Paulding, Putnam and Van Wert.
Visit for more information.
Other early pageants are Miss Lake Festival on July 21st (closed to Mercer County) and Miss Greater Cleveland July 26th (the first open program of the season); the Miss Ohio website has limited information, I suggest contacting the directors asap if you are interested in competing in these programs.
* A note to E.D.s, I try to post your application deadlines and hype your programs, but sometimes I get busy and overlook them, or in most cases the lovely Miss Ohio site doesn't have your deadline listed. I encourage you to do as Miss WCO did and contact me directly. Thanks!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Miss Ohio Polls – Did you get it right?
I posted several suggestive polls here about 16 hours prior to the crowning of our new Miss
Which flight will Miss
Fight One – 4 votes; 16%
From this flight: Miss Ohio Karissa Martin and Semifinalist Katie Camp.
From this flight: Top 5 Finalists Erica Gelhaus, Becky Minger, Kasey Wilson and Semifinalists Kristen Haas, Christie Youssef and Shannon O’Neil.
Flight Three – 9 votes; 37%
From this flight: Top 5 finalist Jenna Wilson and Semifinalists Andrea Andryscik, Jillian Dansko and Nanciann Strosnider
New – 2 votes; 7%
Semifinalists Katie Camp and Shannon O’Neil
Second year returnee – 13 votes; 50%
Third or Fourth year Veteran – 11 votes 42%
Top 5 Finalist Jenna Wilson, Becky Minger, Kasey Wilson and Semifinalists Kristen Haas, Jillian Dansko, Nanciann Strosnider
Light Hair – 15 votes; 68%
Top 5 Finalists Jenna Wilson, Kasey Wilson, Erica Gelhaus and Semifinalist Jillian Dansko
What Talent will Miss
Singer – 21 votes; 91%
Miss Ohio Karissa Martin, Top 5 Semifinalists Becky Minger, Erica Gelhaus, Jenna Wilson, Kasey Wilson and Semifinalists Shannon O’Neil, Andrea Andryscik and Nanciann Strosnider
Dancer – 2 votes; 8%
Semifinalists Jillian Dansko, Kristen Haas and Katie Camp
Harp – 0 votes
Semifinalist Christie Youssef
Will Miss
Miss Ohio Karissa Martin and Top 5 Finalist Kasey Wilson were double prelim winner, Top 5 Finalist Jenna Wilson and Semifinalist Andrea Andryscik also won prelims.
No - 8 votes; 33%
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Enough about me being peeved... We have a new Miss Ohio! :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008MARTIN CROWNED MISS OHIO 2008
Mansfield, Ohio - Karissa Martin been crowned Miss Ohio 2008 this evening at the Renaissance Theatre.
Miss Martin was crowned Miss Ohio 2008 during the final night of competition here in Mansfield . Miss Martin’s platform is “Skin Cancer Prevention for a Second Generation”. The newly crowned Miss Ohio travels to the Miss America Program to compete with other contestants for the title of Miss America .
Beck Minger, Miss Maumee Valley won First Runner-Up. Miss Minger’s platform is “It’s Not Your Booty, It’s Your Inner Beauty”.
Erica Gelhaus, Miss Northwestern Ohio won Second Runner-Up. Miss Gelhaus’ platform is “Turning the Page for Children’s Literacy”.
Kasey Wilson, Miss Lake Erie won Third Runner-Up. Miss Wilson’s platform is “MADD: Activism for Change”.
Jenna Wilson, Miss Northeast Ohio won Fourth Runner-Up. Miss Wilson’s platform is “March of Dimes: Giving Every Baby a Health Start”.
The Miss Ohio Scholarship Program, Inc. helps provide personal and professional opportunities for Ohio women and promotes their voice in culture, politics and the community. The main focus of the program, scholarships, has helped a number of young women with college opportunities during its existence. This year, more than $48,000 in scholarships will be awarded to the 26 contestants competing this year at Miss Ohio .
The Miss America Organization is a not-for-profit corporation that has maintained a tradition for many decades of empowering American women to achieve their personal and professional goals, while providing a forum in which to express their opinions, talent and intelligence. In addition to conducting the annual national competition, the Organization acts year-round as the nation's leading achievement program and largest scholarship fund for young American women.
Thousands of volunteers organize all state and local competitions to further scholarship and achievement among young women in their communities.
For more information, please contact Holly Campbell-Bradley, Media
Relations Coordinator for the Miss Ohio Scholarship Program at 937-603-7726 or the Miss Ohio Office at419-522-6677. Additional information about individual contestants and other relevant information concerning the Miss Ohio Scholarship program can be found on the Miss Ohio web site at
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Miss Ohio 2008: Karissa Martin
1st RU: Becky Minger
2nd RU: Erica Gelhaus
3rd RU: Kasey Wilson
4th RU: Jenna Wilson
Miss Ohio Awards!
Andrea Andryscik
Jillian Dansko
Christie Youssef
Nanciann Strosnider
Katie Camp
Kristen Haas
Shannon O'Neill
Non-semifinalist Talent Awards:
Victoria Miller
Katie Wolford
Non-semifinalist ??? Talent Award:
Courtney Kania
Marvin Hamlish Talent Award:
Kasey Wilson
Betty Estep Classical Talent Award:
Kasey Wilson
Highest Scored Dancer Award:
Victoria Miller
Non-semifinalist Interview Award:
Emily Cousino
Semifinalist Interview Award:
Shannon O'Neill
Paul H. Spirit Awards:
Kasey Wilson
Courtney Kania
* Thankfully my shoot didn't take the whole five hours... I got back to my apartment and caught the last two Talents and Swimsuit while rushing to curl my hair and fix my makeup for my show tonight... I literally have to run out the door as soon as a crown goes on someone's head!
I think it'll be a Wilson! Let's see... :)
Time to Crown a New Miss Ohio!!!
I got a last minute booking and will be going straight from that to perform in the musical I'm in. I'll be away from my computer from 4:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ohio time. :(
I might have my beau blog the results for me, but if you're someone who really cares you're either there live, watching online or at the very least know where the message board is...
If the usual suspects would text me the Top 10 and results, I'd be very grateful.
Of course I have my favorites and my hunches, but best of luck to all the ladies tonight!