Tomorrow night at the Claymont High School in Ulrichville a new Miss Clayland will be crowned! Clayland is the longest running Miss Ohio local and is known for strong scholarships and positive titleholder support. This year Heather Waterman [right] had the honor of being Miss Clayland. She is a vocalist and graduate of Wright State University. I believe she may have aged-out after her third trip to Miss Ohio; does anyone know?
According to the
Times Reporter, former Miss Clayland Allie Krucek will co-emcee the pageant, which begins at 7 p.m. The contestants are:

Stephanie Beltz
Eduction: Graduate of Columbia University & Ohio University / Psychology
Talent: piano
Platform: Advocacy for the Elderly
Pageant Past: Academic Award at Miss Ohio 2010 as Miss Willard

Ashley Bowman
Education: Kent State University / Political Science
Talent: Vocal
Platform: Get Up Get Out Get Going
Pageant Platform: Has competed the past couple years

Ellen Bryan
Education: Ball State University / Telecommunication
Talent: vocal
Platform: Promoting Lightning Awareness
Pageant Past: Top 5 at Miss Ohio as Miss Lake Festival 2008 and Miss Miami Valley 2009

Courtney Crain
Education: Indiana Wesleyan University / Business & Health Care Administration
Talent: vocal
Platform: Preventing Child Abuse
Pageant Past: Miss Ohio International 2010

Allison Goodwin
Education: Ohio University
Talent: lyrical dance
Platform: Prevention of Childhood Obesity
Pageant Past: 1st RU this season at Miss GC/CC

Brandi Herceg
Education: Graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville
Talent: tap dancePlatform: Love Your Heart Learn The Truth
Pageant Past: former Miss Ohio Valley

Sarah HiderEducation: Ohio University / Journalism
Talent: vocal
Platform: HIV / AIDS Awareness
MAO Experience: Ohio's Outstanding Teen 2008; Miss Ohio Community Service award as Miss North Coast 2009
Alyssa WaldmanEducation: Otterbein College / Music
Talent: Vocal
Platform: Conquering Childhood Cancer Now!
Pageant Past: Non-semifinalist Talent award at Miss Ohio 2010 as Miss Northwestern Ohio; Talent winner recently at Miss Miami Valley
Most fans immediately think Ellen Bryan will take this crown, but there are five other ladies with experience and new contestants have surprised us at a couple other locals this season...! Who is your pick?