The Miss America website posted pictures of the 2008 contestants over a month ago, but Roberta was one of nearly a dozen who didn't show up. Finally the problem was corrected and this is the image on the website. “Official headshots” at the state and national level are always anxiously anticipated, thus the website glitch has been frustrating and inexcusable to many. I find Roberta’s photo lovely, and the best headshot I’ve seen of her, as it should be. CLICK HERE for my take on some of the other headshots.
It’s interesting to notes, when the headshots initially appeared on the Miss America website there was quite a bit of message board discussion about the rules for the headshots this year. Apparently they were supposed to be straight-on with no head turns or funny angles and the background was to be plain. Only a few states followed these guidelines closely, and the consensus was that their pictures were not good! Those guidelines make for mug shots and passport pictures more than a pageant headshot! (IE: Florida, California, Texas and South Carolina.) People from states who did follow the rules were frustrated that Miss America accepted the photos from “rule breakers.” I for one am glad that Paul, Roberta and whoever is helping her, selected the best picture of her, even though it doesn’t follow the guidelines.