One of my favorite pageant people uses the phrase "stinkin' cute" to describe the adorable and undeniably likable contestants. In this category for Miss Ohio 2010 I nominated Ashley Warholic, Courtney Monk,
Devon Stansbury, Marisa Buchheit, Sarah Hider
and Whitney Fricke.
56 votes were cast. Honorable mention goes to Whitney Fricke and Devon Stansbury.
And, by a landslide,
the winner of the "Stinkin' Cute" Missy is...
Ashley Warholic!

I think Ashley epitomizes stinkin' cute
and 67.8% of you agree!
I would have to concur. She is so refreshing and such a natural beauty. The fact that she gives so much to her platform work and her community is something to be highly commended. She is too stinkin cute!!