Below you'll find five pages worth of information from the Miss Ohio Scholarship Organization to help you plan your trip to Las Vegas this January to watch the 90th Miss America pageant and support Ohio's Becky Minger! If you would like to sit with the Miss Ohio delegation your order forms and payment must be received by TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th. Email sues@missohio.org for order forms. You may submit the forms via email or print and snail mail them.
Dear Miss Ohio Supporters:Becky is hard at work preparing to compete for the title of Miss America 2011! While the final night of competition will be nationally televised on Saturday, January 15, 2011 on ABC, it’s much more exciting to be there in person! The following information will help you with your plans to support Becky at Miss America in Las Vegas!We have attached forms for you to use to order items such as show tickets, access badges, photo buttons, T-shirts and hotel accommodations if you are planning to stay at Planet Hollywood. Please read everything very carefully and make sure to fill out the necessary forms.Host Hotel – Planet HollywoodOnce again, Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas is hosting the Miss America Organization and has partnered with MAO to bring you some amazing offers. Planet Hollywood is hip, modern & energetic – and MAO is proud that it is home to the 2011 Miss America Pageant! It is connected to the Theater for the Performing Arts where the pageant is held and the Miracle Mile Shops with over 170 shops and 15 restaurants.Planet Hollywood special rates when ordering through Miss Ohio/Miss America:Sunday, January 9, 2011 through Thursday, January 13, 2011:$ 109.00 per night +12% taxFriday, January 14, 2011 and Saturday, January 15, 2011:159.00 per night +12% taxSunday, January 16, 2011:109.00 per night +12% taxBased on single/double occupancy. For the 3rd & 4th person, there will be a $30 per person per night charge.Guests staying in the Miss Ohio room block will receive two complementary passes (valued at $50) per room (not per person, not per day) to the Spice Market Buffet that may be used for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This is two passes per stay and NOT two per day. Alcoholic beverages and gratuity are not included with complimentary passes. You must use the included Planet Hollywood Reservation Form to receive these rates and Spice Market Buffet passes. A credit card must be provided to reserve the room.Miss America Show TicketsThe Miss America on stage preliminary competitions will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday andThursday, January 11th, 12th and 13th with the finals taking place on Saturday, January 15th.
Tickets are $75 per night for preliminary competitions and $150 for Saturday’s final night competition.Season tickets for all four nights may be purchased for $250.Miss Ohio ticket orders will be grouped together; however the groups will not be seated together. They will be grouped and prioritized in the following order:Block A – Those staying at Planet Hollywood & purchasing season tickets.Block B – Those staying at Planet Hollywood & purchasing single night (Saturday) tickets.Block C – Those NOT-staying at Planet Hollywood & purchasing season tickets.Block D – Those NOT-staying at Planet Hollywood & purchasing single night (Saturday) tickets.You may purchase UP TO FOUR(4) PRIORITY SEATING TICKETS per hotel room per day.For example, if you are staying at Planet Hollywood from Tuesday the 11th through Saturday the 15th, you will be able to purchase up to four season tickets. If you are staying at Planet Hollywood for fewer days, you will only be able to purchase individual nigh tickets, not a season ticket package.
If you are making your own arrangements to stay at Planet Hollywood and are NOT using the included hotel reservation form, you may still qualify for tickets in Block A or Block B. Planet Hollywood’s reservation department can email you a copy of your reservation details. Print the email and include with your Miss America Trip Order form as proof and we will be able to order tickets in Block A or Block B.Tickets purchases are non-refundable!Access BadgesBecky will be extremely busy while competing to become Miss America and there are very few opportunities to see her other than from a distance when she is onstage. If you would like to attend the visitation after the show each night (Tue, Wed, Thu & Sat) to see Becky, you must have a Miss America Photo Identification Badge. The Badge will also allow you to attend the open rehearsals in the theater and the Miss America trade show at the hotel.Badges may be ordered for $35. If a badge is lost, it will cost $50 to have it replaced during Miss America week.If you had a Badge in the last two years (January 2009 or 2010) Miss America will have your photo on file. If not, you will need to email a photo to info@missohio.org when submitting your “On to Miss America” forms.When ordering a badge, you will need to indicate one of the following affiliations;
State Committee – For all Miss Ohio state board members and state volunteers, their spouses and their children 21 years of age and older.Local Committee – For all Miss Ohio local pageant committee members and local volunteers, their spouses and their children 21 years of age and older.Family & Friends – For Becky Minger’s family, friends and friends of the family, including children 21 years of age and older.Guest – For sponsors and guests who contribute to any part of the Miss Ohio Program, former Miss Ohio’s, their spouses and their children 21 years of age and older.Special Guest – For State and Local Contestants currently eligible to compete, children ages six through twenty and Special Guests that may not be permitted to attend certain functions due to age restrictions or possible future judging conflicts.Children five years of age and under do not require a badged but must be accompanied by an adult wearing a badge at all times.Badges may NOT be shared at any time. Anyone caught sharing a badge will have it revokedimmediately.Friday Night Decades of Dreams EventMiss America is currently planning a ticketed event for Friday Evening, January 14, 2011 called the Decades of Dreams. The details for the event are not available at this time but for the last couple years, the contestants have participated in this event and tickets to attend have ranged between $100 and $500.We will distribute the information when it becomes available.T-Shirts & Photo ButtonsShow your Ohio support by ordering a Miss Ohio Photo Button and T-Shirt featuring Becky Minger. We will schedule a time on Friday, January 14th for everyone from Ohio to get together for our traditional group photo.DeadlineALL forms and payments MUST be received by Tuesday, November 9, 2010. Incomplete forms or forms received after this deadline will not be processed.Ordering InstructionsEvery person MUST submit a “Miss America Trip Order Form” below (one form per person). This form will be used to gather your contact information, order tickets, badges, photo buttons, T-shirts, etc. All items ordered on this form must be paid by check made out to: MOSP.If you are staying at Planet Hollywood you will need to complete the Hotel Reservation Form. You must include your credit card information to reserve a room. Your card will probably be charged for one night’s stay sometime in December or early January.Both forms and payments should be mailed to:“On To Miss America”, c/o Sue Swinehart, 59 N. 21st Street, Newark, OH 43055You will receive an email confirming that we have received your forms.Once we receive additional information from Miss America, we will follow up with an email with the instructions on how to pick up your items, schedule of events, group photo information, etc. We will have “office hours” at Planet Hollywood when you can pick up your items.If you have any questions, please contact Sue Swinehart at 740-334-7117 or sues@missohio.org.Thank you for your continuing support of the Miss Ohio / America Organization. We truly hope you will take advantage of the wonderful offers made available for the 2011 Miss America Pageant at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino – Let there be Fame!We are all looking forward to going to Las Vegas and cheering on Becky as she competes for the title of Miss America 2011 and brings the crown back to Ohio!PS – PLEASE forward this to all of your family and friends and local committee members.
To review, you'll find the following prices on the order forms:
Miss America Show Tickets
Season ticket (Jan. 11, 12, 13 & 15) - $250.00
Tuesday (January 11) - $75.00
Wednesday (January 12) - $75.00
Thursday (January 13) - $75.00
Saturday (January 15) - $150.00
Access Badge - $35.00
Button of Becky - $5.00
T-Shirt - $15.00
Registration/Processing Fee - $25.00
There is also a form to book your hotel room with the special rates listed above.
Again, email sues@missohio.org to receive your order forms; I tried to post them here as pictures, but they weren't large enough for you to print. Sorry.
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