Monday, November 27, 2006


mis‧cel‧la‧ne‧a  /ˌmɪsəˈleɪniə/ [mis-uh-ley-nee-uh]
–plural noun
miscellaneous collected writings, papers, or objects.

I am excited to begin yet another blog! Thank you to everyone who helped me brainstorm blog titles, but I’ve decided to go with a play on words. As with my last blogs, I’ll attempt to bring my readers all the breaking news in the MISS America system and other pageants. I’ll also share other miscellaneous happenings in various aspects of my life.

To review results and pictures from the pageant season thus far, scroll back through my last blog, Being Miss Maumee Valley.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Abby:

    Love your new blog title. Give us a call!

    Eric & Linda


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