Since 1988 Miss America has recognized a handful of its delegate for their community service work with the Quality of Life Award! The following semifinalists were selected based on essays they wrote about their platform work:

Miss Delaware Kayla Martell -
Alopecia Areata Support & Awareness
Alopecia Areata Support & Awareness
Miss Florida Jaclyn Raulerson -
Stop Bullying Now!
Stop Bullying Now!
Miss Georgia Christina McCauley -
"Let's Get it Straight" - Scoliosis Awareness
"Let's Get it Straight" - Scoliosis Awareness
Miss Maryland Lindsay Staniszewski -
Beyond Beauty: Building Self-Esteem and Positive Body Image in Girls
Beyond Beauty: Building Self-Esteem and Positive Body Image in Girls
Miss Michigan Katie Lynn LaRoche -
Bringin Awareness to Human Trafficking
Bringin Awareness to Human Trafficking
Miss Minnesota Kathryn Knuttila -
Inspiring America
Inspiring America
Miss New Jersey Ashleigh Udalovas -
Read to Succeed: Improving America's Future through Literacy
Read to Succeed: Improving America's Future through Literacy
Miss Virginia Caitlin Uze -
Uniquely You - Building Positive Self-Image
The Quality of Life winner and recipient of a $6000 scholarship will be announced Friday January 14th at 3p.m. Two runners-up to the award will receive $4000 and $2000. I'm calling my Las Vegas booky and putting money on Miss Delaware who has been all over national media talking about her baldness caused by the disease on which her platform is based.
The last time Ohio was recognized with a Quality of Life award was in 2003 Tiffany Haas when was 2nd Runner-up. I found the following stats online showing how recent QoL winners did at the pageant finale:
QOL: Miss OK Taylor Treat - Top 12
1ST RU: Miss NH Lindsey Graham - Non-finalist
2ND RU: Miss NV Christina Keegan - Non-finalist
QOL: Miss KY Emily Cox - Top 12
1ST RU:Miss MI Ashlee Baracy - Top 10
2ND RU: Miss AL Amanda Tapley - Top 15
QOL: Miss NV Caleche Manos - Non-finalist
1ST RU: Miss FL Kylie Williams - Top 16
2ND RU: Miss OK Makenna Smith - Non-finalist
QOL: Miss RI Allison Rogers - Non-finalist
1ST RU: Miss AZ Hilary Griffith - Non-finalist
2ND RU: Miss AL Melinda Toole - 4th Runner-up
QOL: Miss ID Tracey Brown - Non-finalist
1ST RU: Miss OK Jennifer Berry - Miss America
2ND RU: Miss AL Alexa Jones - 2nd Runner-up
QOL: Miss AL Deidre Downs Miss America
1ST RU: Miss ID Elizabeth Barchas Non-finalist
2ND RU: Miss NV Elizabeth Muto Non-finalist
QOL: Miss AL Catherine Crosby - Top 15
1ST RU: Miss KY MacKenzie Mayes - Non-finalist
2ND RU: Miss NC Dana Reason - Non-finalist
QOL: Miss NV Teresa Benitez - 3rd Runner-up
1ST RU: Miss AL Scarlotte Deupree - 1st Runner-up
2ND RU: Miss OH Tiffany Haas - Non-finalist
QOL: Miss UT Jaclyn Hunt - Top 10
1ST RU: Miss MD Kelly Glorioso - Non-finalist
2ND RU: Miss MS Becky Pruett - Non-finalist
QOL: Miss LA Faith Jenkins - 1st Runner-up
1ST RU: Miss IA Theresa Uchytil - Non-finalist
2ND RU: Miss NJ Jill Horner - Top 10
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