This morning the Miss America organization posted rehearsal photos on facebook. Click here for the album.
Some online fans are criticizing the contestants for already looking extremely tired in these photos; I think that's a bit harsh since they're in day makeup under unflattering conference room lighting. However, these photos make me appreciate Miss Ohio's practice of giving all the contestants matching rehearsal t-shirts and a dress code for the bottom half. I understand they're rehearsing, but I wouldn't be caught dead anywhere doing anything in half of what they're wearing! I'm just sayin'... I think I saw some jeggings or pajama jeans or something and it was scary! Of course, so is what appears to be the opening number dress, which two of the contestants were wearing:

I find the silver, supposed opening number dresses very unimpressive. What do you think?
I went to Miss America two years ago and if I were there this year I darn well would be wearing my Pajama Jeans to these rehersals. They are long long days and Pajama Jeans would have made my Miss America life much more comfortable!