Q: What is the craziest thing you have ever done (the more detail, the better)?
A: Growing up, I always had a fear of aquatic animals. I have never been the type of person who wanted to go to Sea World and visit with Shamu, but I had the opportunity to go swimming with dolphins at the Atlantis Resort last summer. Although I was terrified at first, it turned out to be an amazing experience. I learned a valuable lesson, you can't let fear hold you back or you will miss out on the excitements of life!
Q: Do you cook and/or bake anything? If so, what are your special dishes?
A: Nestle premade chocolate chip cookies, because all you have to do is break them off and put them in the oven for 12 minutes!
Q: If you were handed 10 million dollars, what would you splurge on?
A: I would buy a beautiful Chateau in France, close enough to the city that I would be able to splurge at my favorite designer stores!
Q: If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?
A: Stacey London from TLC's What Not to Wear, because she knows all of the secrets to fashion!
Q: What is unique about you (something no other contestant can say about themselves)?
A: I got to be the baby in my family for seventeen and a half years, and it was not until this year that I became a proud big sister!
The interview is from the Teen USA website; more pictures are on Flickr. That pageant is this Friday.
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