Thursday, August 2, 2007

From Painful to Bazaar...

Okay, all I’m stating are the facts...
This is the giant bruise on the side of my left knee.
What do you see?

[Note, I’ve already been told that depending on the brightness and angle of your computer screen, it may be hard to see.]

Loren said the underside of my dash (which covers the steering column) is actually broken from the impact of my legs; it’s amazing that I didn’t break them and shatter my knees!


  1. A man's face is on your leg! It kind of looks like Captain Jack Sparrow's dad from Pirates.

  2. Ew, I’ve always fantasized about having Johnny Depp on me, but not his dad... and not like this! :(


  3. I see a man's face (with beard) and a cross to the left side.

  4. Uh, Ab, Dad and I just both looked at the pics. We both thought the same thing immediately. It's Abe Lincoln. Seriously. Check with a five dollar bill. And stay away from theatres!

  5. LOL! Thanks for playing ladies.

    Some of my coworkers have said Jesus, Elvis, Groucho Marks next to Jesus and "perhaps the next Face of FOX Toledo."

    And, three of my male 30something friends have suggested I sell my knee on Ebay!



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