As I said after Miss Maple City, I am merely an amateur with a nice camera; many of my photos don't turn out, but they're better than nothing. Click each to enlarge.
Congrats to the new Miss Mansfield, Christie Youssef, who also won Talent, Interview, Congeniality and a grand total of $1,900. Christie is a graduate of Westmont College. In her onstage question she spoke about the seven different kinds of domestic violence, awareness of this issue is her platform. For the Talent competition she played “Baroque Famenco” on the harp.
This is her second Miss Ohio title; last year as Miss Portsmouth she placed in the Top 10 and won a Committed to Excellence Award. She has also placed in the Top 5 at Miss California.

First Runner-up Ashley Hartman is a student at the University of Akron. She stressed the importance of password protection and privacy settings while answering a question about her platform, Internet Safety. Ashley performs a lyrical dance to "Hide and Seek;" I will readily admit, I'm not usually moved or entertained by dance talents (sorry), but I love hers- it is so emotional! She also won the Swimsuit Award.
Can't put your finger on what's different about Ashley? It's the bangs!

This is her second Miss Ohio title; last year as Miss Portsmouth she placed in the Top 10 and won a Committed to Excellence Award. She has also placed in the Top 5 at Miss California.

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