Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Giving the Bugle Boy something to Boogie Woogie about!

In this era of technology phones have cameras, music players are date books, refrigerators have TVs and your stapler probably does your taxes.

Thus, pageant contestants are like animals in a zoo; despite the “do not feed” sign, society keeps them filled up with images of “normal,” yet “questionable” behavior and Facebook and online photo albums serve as the cages that allow us to watch. In a zoo we point, stare and expect the animals to look cute, do tricks and be awake when we stand in front of their habitat. Wild life safaris, on the other hand, are where all the celebutants, brawling male movie stars and everyone’s own do-no-wrong-college-age child live. We don’t expect anything from these animals; they can be dirty, misbehaved and unpredictable and that’s okay.

Okay, enough with the bad analogies… A particularly difficult or potentially troublesome time of year for pageant women is Halloween. (Just ask Amy Polumbo!) Like it or not, on most college campuses Halloween is the time of year when the ladies can get away with dressing as slutty as possible without really being judged. It’s like Christmas in October for all the boys.

What’s my point?

Simply that my first thought when I saw the following costumes from Miss Ohio’s recent “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” production number was, “Good for those contestants! They just got a cute, free Halloween costume that NO ONE can say a word about!!!”

So as you can imagine, I about died with laughter when a message board link led to Miss Cuyahoga Valley, Katie Wolford’s blog, where she revealed the costumes were indeed sold with the intent of being sexy, with the name “Dreamgirl Major Tease.” She found THIS link.

Here’s the only thing I have a problem with – why didn’t I know Katie Wolford had a blog?


  1. Abby, in your "old age" ,lol, I think you've been spending more time in the real world and less in the Facebook one. I added Katie's blog to the Miss Ohio Girls!! group list of blogs sometime before Miss Ohio.

  2. o yea, and we didn't get to keep the costumes. I thought it would've been funny for all the MOSP contestants to wear them for Halloween.

  3. What?!?! That sucks! I would have found a way to sneak mine home with me. :)


  4. Oh my God I didn't realize it still had the XXX on it!

  5. Does that mean all of the board members wives now have new pajamas?

  6. At my state pageant we are instructed to wear "questionable" outfits... and MOSP's are hardly questionable! They look like cute show choir costumes! Especially since everyone is in the same thing. Last year we created our own "pink and white sexy motorcycle outfit" for the opening number. This year we danced in cages to "Fury" by Prince...

    Unfortunately most of our costumes end up being ugly offstage and get thrown away eventually... I would have loved to have a cute dress like that! Too bad they couldn't take them home!


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